Our "Lamb-count" at conclusion of Lambing in 2020 was:-
6 tup lambs; and 5 ewe lambs; varied colours - which is what we wanted
As at 22 July 2020, FOUR of the tup lambs are spoken for / SOLD
The other two tup lambs are STILL AVAILABLE
THREE ewe lambs are STILL AVAILABLE, and ready for sale
All this year's lambs now are vaccinated, and dual tagged and RBST birth notified / registered
ONE 2019 born ewe lambs still is AVAILABLE and suitable for tupping into November
We may offer retirement to two of our older ewes
The remaining two / twin tup lambs born 2020 could be wethered, suitable as ornamental grazers, pets / companions / guard animals
​​Prices on application
BELOW LEFT: Daisy - the Matriarch, sadly lost in 2019
BELOW RIGHT: Jackson, our former stock ram, sold on to a family on North Uist,
where he worked from 2018 onwards, and, just recently, moved on to a new contract / owners on Harris; Jackson, we miss you loads, and hope you may sire many more beautiful lambs

Welcome to Soay Flock Scotland, we are very proud and passionate about what we do....

WHERE? - a big garden will do, PROVIDED it is well fenced and free from poisonous plants
WHY? - they are "Ovine weed-killers" - but, be warned - they will eat EVERYTHING! - including trees and bark
Lamb without difficulty - mostly - often at Dawn, in the snow
WOOL AND FLEECE: self-shed fleece - sometimes a little help appreciated - can be sheared
ALSO SEE our "Wool" page!
EXCELLENT MOTHERS! - see "News", and "Sales and Links"
WHAT? - you need to register with Animal Health etc - for compliance
can be bucket and halter / harness trained
need shelter - from rain and sun
Dual ear tags required by Law
HORNS: if "tight" set, can require filing and / or trim - SEE "News" page
HISTORY: one of oldest breeds in the world - thought to have been brought to the Scottish Hebridean Islands by the Vikings
RBST Watchlist "at risk" category, ie up to 1500 RBST registered breeding ewes in UK, 2020 - 2021: an IMPROVEMENT!
The only breed in RBST watchlist "Category 4" ("At risk") in 5% decline in 2018 - 2019
EAT? grass, weeds, and some careful feed supplement, cereals and raw root and other vegetables; hay and a bit of molasses
HEALTH / some tips and information:-
Copper and protein intolerant - DO NOT FEED PRODUCTS suited to commercial breeds
Dosing and annual treatments - be advised by a vet - preferably one familiar with this breed
Ticks are fatal, and if in a tick area, a prescribed application will be essential
regular teeth, feet and sample checks - for eg - worms and fluke - essential
CATCHING: "enticement" is the method of preference - as Soays' primitive instinct is to "scatter" when under threat, not to "Flock"
HABITS: climb, jump; burrow and butt - good fences necessary!
Rams can be aggressive, especially during Tupping season - and towards human females - who they regard as "their flock", and, therefore, to be "rounded up"
Soays have a highly attuned sense of smell, and 280 degree vision
RBST registration is useful if stock are bought for breeding
LAMBS: twins aren't uncommon in lowland areas; and even triplets : arrive April / May
SIZE: one of the smaller breeds: adult weights about 35 - 50 KGs
There's a dedicated Breed Society - for Soay and Borerays - take a look -
ANY QUESTIONS? - go to our "Contacts" form on our "Contact us" page.........

ABOVE our first year of lambing was 2012
​The cheeky 2013 Ewe Lamb, front, right (MARGO)
returned back home to our flock in 2018
​and she has always delivered TWINS! - SO farrrrrrr.